In recent events, I've had to deal with the unfortunate truth of this life, especially when I've spent so much time creating on the internet.
Shit just keeps happening.
Apparently, summer's already coming to a close. I've not done much with this free time, aside from what I tend to do best. Sit around all day and watch YouTube videos like a grade-a jackass. I've grown a resentment for this season, since my rose-tinted glasses can't cover up the 100-degree heat or the influx of bugs.
No big updates have come from 2024 so far, and yet it's already coming to an end so soon. The world's still in flames as usual, and like with every coming election, political discourse is at it's most prevalent, and as a result, it's most grating.
I'm not voting this year, much like every other year, because I'm either voting for raised taxes on both sides. but hey, at least I now have the bonus of dead Palestinians on either side... hooray. The only leader I need is ME. so expect to see me running for the charts in 2028.
Work's kicking up for me in a few weeks, so I'll be busy with that shit for a while. I'll still try to squeeze in some artwork occasionally, but combined with burn-out, my output is going to be even slower than usual. My only wish is to not be shot dead by the time this message goes through.
I've mostly been spending time on collaborations this year, ranging from my own:
or contributing to other cool projects:
This place is the community I've cherished the most over the past two years, so I'll give some special thanks. :^)
@aguynamedgeoff, @Anonymous-Frog, @AZ0RZER0, @JarlingtonJohlaHyde, @Kevuhn, @Lobster-Monster, @NoPants69, @PolyRedProductions, @SamaadBae5, @TheOve, @Tomaruchi, @Torilla, @Totsy, @YummyWhiteLiquid, and @Zabujard, all for contributing cool shit for the sonic collab.
@TomFulp for front-paging the entry in the first place, and making this entire website for me to let out my verbal sewage all over the computer screen.
@wolfatthedoor and @AlrimanteDwater for doing art trades with me, and more than delivering on your parts.
And to @Malti, for being the ultimate bro.
Special thanks to everyone who's followed me through this journey...?
This is lame.
I'll end off with my coloring of a picture by @RenNeverScared, which is technically a re-coloring, but whatever.
see ya!!
Post whenever the hell you want. I'll be waiting patiently. About the year's ending, 4 months is still a lot of time. Personally, Iprefer the last third of the year, not only cause of my birthday but also due to the whole autumn vibe.
I agree. Fall's the best season.